"Sesungguhnya dalam diri manusia itu ada seketul daging. Jika daging itu baik, maka baiklah seluruh anggotanya tetapi seandainya daging itu rosak dan kotor, maka kotor dan rosaklah seluruh anggota badan. Daging yang dimaksudkan itu adalah hati"
(Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim daripada Nu'man bin Basyir)

Inilah gaya aku menulis tentang hidup, menulis bukan kerna nama, tapi kerna rasa.

27 November, 2010

Happy Birthday mom!

The best i would ever have! A mom...

I wonder lah mcm mana life tade mom! i'm just so glad that i have one...
I love u mom..No matter what, i'm always right by ur side...Truely me...

I love u mom! Entry kali ini agak sounds mcm happy sikit and a bit touching sikit..cuz today is my mom's birthday..I love u mummy! i love u soooo damn much!

Its just me, how i wish i could make her happy..How i wish i could make she smile....

I would love to wipe her tears, making her smile ..truely smile...I love u mom...So much...From the beginning and 
until the end...I love u mom....

Just no matter what, we, as ur kid, always with u...Love u soooooooooo much!

p/s: mummy, nnt i beli kek...x saba sgt na tggu gaji na beli kek kt u mak!!

I love u, honestly..

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