"Sesungguhnya dalam diri manusia itu ada seketul daging. Jika daging itu baik, maka baiklah seluruh anggotanya tetapi seandainya daging itu rosak dan kotor, maka kotor dan rosaklah seluruh anggota badan. Daging yang dimaksudkan itu adalah hati"
(Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim daripada Nu'man bin Basyir)

Inilah gaya aku menulis tentang hidup, menulis bukan kerna nama, tapi kerna rasa.

19 June, 2012

Relationship of Marriage and Abusing Wife in Islam

Islam constitutes rights for woman as it does for men. This fairness is clearly stated in the Qur’an al-karim.

(Surah Al-Baqarah Ayah 228) This glorious Ayah indicates that men are bound to rights and duties, which they have to give to woman, as woman are bound to rights and duties, which they have to give to men.
The husband is the leader of the household affairs and the only person held responsible for supporting his wife and children with adequate food, clothing and shelter, and for providing them with the security necessary in life.
The wife is not obligated to share in the financial support of the family or her self. By their characteristics, men are made to fit their position of authority and responsibility with the many characteristics that Allahu ta’ala the Creator has bestowed upon them.
In the noble principles of Islam, the wife is entitled to certain rights from her husband. This is indicated in Surat Al-Baqara, Ayah 233.
The first of these obligations is for the husband to give moderate financial support to his wife and dependants, from his lawfully earned income. This includes providing adequate food, clothing and a suitable home.
In his Hadith the prophet forbids the husband from abusing his wife in any way or form. For example hitting her on the face is forbidden.
The husband is not permitted to verbally abuse his wife in any way, such as swearing at her or her parents and kin, cursing her or them, or saying such words as ‘May Allah make repulsive’ and the like.

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