"Sesungguhnya dalam diri manusia itu ada seketul daging. Jika daging itu baik, maka baiklah seluruh anggotanya tetapi seandainya daging itu rosak dan kotor, maka kotor dan rosaklah seluruh anggota badan. Daging yang dimaksudkan itu adalah hati"
(Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim daripada Nu'man bin Basyir)

Inilah gaya aku menulis tentang hidup, menulis bukan kerna nama, tapi kerna rasa.

06 December, 2011

Hidup kalau Crowded sgt Pun Tak Ok jugak

Lately selalu tidur lewat, tapi puas hati sbb dpt talk long a way long dgn perfect to be,..

When a girl is quiet, millions of things are running through her mind... When a girl is not arguing, she is thinking deeply.. When a girl looks at you with eyes full of questions, she is wondering how long you will be around... When a girl answers, Im fine, after a few seconds, she is not at all fine... When a girl stares at you, she is wondering why you are so wonderful... When a girl lays on your chest, she is wishing for you to be hers forever... When a girl calls you everyday, she is seeking for your attention... When a girl wants to see you everyday, she wants to be pampered... When a girl says, Ill love you forever, she means it... When a girl says that she cant live without you, she has made up her mind that you are her future... When a girl says, I miss you, no one in this world can miss you more than that..

>Shafiq Zulkifli<

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